Tuesday, March 20, 2012

here goes somethin'..

I've been wanting to start a blog for quite awhile now..I actually created this one last june or so & had every intention on tracking my exercises/daily life through here but obviously i've NOT been exercising/dieting the way I planned. Before I get into all that goodness -- Ill start out with an introduction.

Im Heather..Im 22 as of August 9th. I've been dating a awesome guy the past guy for 2 years and some odd months & things are going great!
We have one little fur child..He is an English Bulldog & he's almost a year old. LOVE LOVE him. Seriously, he's like our real child. He's a bit spoiled..but can you see why???

Yes, his shirt is too small..but its hard finding a XXL for this little fatty ;)
I work at a chemical manufacturing company full-time while attending a junior college, full-time, working towards a nursing degree. In August I will start attending school during the day so I will no longer be able to work. TEAR! I will miss my co workers dearly, but I have to focus more on my future career.
My boyfriend & I just bought our first home..it was quite the fixer upper. I will be adding tutorials/before & afters on here just because im proud. :)

I have the most adorable 3 (soon to be 4 on 3/24) year old nephew. If you didnt know any different you would think he was my own. love him to death. Him & Hooey are good pals so you'll probably see him often on here. his name is Dillon--
He knows he's cute! ;)

Now onto the part I hate even thinking about--
Since I go through phones like noones business, I figured it would be best to track my logs on here, also so I can have a little encouragement/motivation if other people are watching my progress.
My Goal weight is 135lbs-- where I was a year and a half ago. TEAR! Im 5'4..so 135 is a reasonable weight for my height. Right now I am at 165 lbs. UGH that just made me want to throw up even typing that. This is the biggest Ive ever been & with summer coming up..I HAVE to do something. Im thinking I will weigh in every monday. I cannot look at the scale everyday because I will get discouraged so I think once a week will be best.
I attend a hour long kickboxing class twice a week that has motivated me to continue exercising and even attend more class than just 2 a week.
I also just bought the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video that I plan to start tonight. Im really looking forward to this video. I start insanity awhile back but quit after a few days bc it hurt my back too bad :( that workout is INTENSE! insanity doesnt even begin to describe it.
So between my kickboxing class & 30 day shred..I also plan to start training for a 5K. This was my 2012 new years resolution. I have always been a long distance runner. In high school I was always in track & cross country. Unfortunately, when I had to get a big girl job, I put running & exercising on the backburner & packed on the lbs. Im hoping this blog will get me motivated into showing everyone that I CAN do it again..& i WILL! ;)